  • Printed books published until the end of the Muromachi period are called ‘early printed books’. Well-known examples are Gozanban, which had been published throughout the Warring States period and the Muromachi period. Publications by figures at Zen temples, most notably the Gozan (five mountains) in Kyoto and Kamakura are categorically called ‘Gozanban (five-mountain edition)’. Most contain Zen monk’s maxims and poetries, mostly characterized by stitched bookbinding and print layout influenced by print reproduction and style from Song dynasty, Yuan dynasty, and Josun. This implies strong influence from Chinese books and Chinese printing technologies. Also notably, book printing culture had spread to non-capital areas in this period that include the Asaino clan based in Sakai, a hub of Japan-Mying trade; the Ōuchi clan based in Suō Province, a flourishing hub of Japan-Josun trade; and the Shimazu clan based in Satsuma. Not only Buddhist texts, but also Confucious scriptures, poetry books, dictionaries, medical science books, and other practical books were published. (rdf:langString) (en)
  • 室町時代末期までに出版された刊本を古刊本と称している。古刊本の代表は、南北朝、室町時代にかけて数多く出版された「五山版」である。五山版は、京都・鎌倉の五山を中心とする禅宗寺院の関係者によって刊行された出版物の総称である。内容は禅僧の語録や詩文が主で、装訂は殆どが袋綴じで、版式は宋・元・朝鮮の刊本の覆刻や様式を模倣したものが多く、中国の書物や出版技術の影響の大きさを物語っている。また、この時代には日明貿易の根拠地であった堺の阿佐井野氏、朝鮮との貿易で栄えた周防の大内氏、薩摩の島津氏などの出版もみられ、出版文化は地方にも広がった。内容も仏書ばかりでなく儒教の経典類や詩文集、辞書、医書などの実用書も加わった。 (rdf:langString) (ja)
  • Old printed books (rdf:langString) (en)
  • 古刊本 (rdf:langString) (ja)
  • 3 (xsd:string)