East Asia Digital Library
(New Novel) Chyu Wol Saek
- Titledcterms:title
- (신소셜)츄월색
- Creatordc:creator
- 高裕相 著
- Publisherdc:publisher
- 匯東書館
- Issueddcterms:issued
- 1923
- 『Chu Wol Saek』was an absolute best seller of the time. This interesting new novel takes a newly-wed couple’s honeymoon trip to Manchuria as the theme. The first edition came out in 1912, and by 1923, it lasted up to the 18th edition. The background starts from Japan and extends to Manchuria and even Great Britain, which is quite unusual for a love novel’s spatial scale. Choi Chan Sik, the author, became celebrity but the success of this book, but his name is not on the book cover as the custom of the time only recorded the publisher’s name. So the chairman of Hoe Dong Seo Gwan publishing house Go Yu Sang’s name is on the book cover instead of the author.(en)
당대 최고의 베스트셀러였던 『추월색』은 결혼한 남녀가 자유롭게 신혼여행을 떠난다는 최초의 만주 신혼여행이라는 흥미로운 소재로 유명한 신소설이다. 1912년 초판을 시작으로 1923년까지 18판 발행되었고, 소설의 무대가 일본, 만주, 영국까지 확대된다는 점에서 공간적 스케일 면에서도 장대한 연애소설이다. 저자는 최찬식으로 이 소설로 인해 인기 작가의 반열에 올라섰지만 당시 출판사의 대표가 저작자로 표기되는 관례에 따라 서지에는 저작 겸 발행자가 출판사 회동서관의 대표인 고유상(高裕相)으로 되어 있다.(ko)
- Titledcterms:title
- (New Novel) Chyu Wol Saek(en) , (신소셜)츄월색(ko)
- Creatordc:creator
- Written by Go Gyeong Sang(en) , 高裕相 著(ko)
- Publisherdc:publisher
- Hoe Dong Seo Gwan(en) , 匯東書館
- Issueddcterms:issued
- 1923
- Alternativedcterms:alternative
- (New Novel) The Color of Autumn Moon(en) , (新小說)秋月色(ko)
- Publication Placeeadl:publicationPlace
- 京城
- Datedcterms:date
- 大正12[1923]
- Subjectdc:subject
- New Novel,New Novel,Chu Wol Saek, Chyu Wol Saek,Joseon New Novel Series,Ttakjibon(en) , 신소설,신소셜,추월색,츄월색,조선신소설총서,딱지본(ko)
- Audienceschema:audience
- PU
- Languagedc:language
- kor
- Data Providereadl:dataProvider
- National Library of Korea(en) , 국립중앙도서관
- Provided Ineadl:providedIn
- Korea
- Holding Agenteadl:holdingAgent
- National Library of Korea(en) , 국립중앙도서관
- Extenteadl:extent
- 80p.;21cm
- Linking Entry Complexity Noteeadl:linkingEntryComplexityNote
- Built with original language source database of National Library of Korea(en) , 국립중앙도서관 원문정보 데이터베이스(database)로 구축됨(ko)
- Source Of Other Numbereadl:sourceOfOtherNumber
- Classification Numbereadl:classificationNumber
- 3634
- Item Numbereadl:itemNumber
- 3
- Other Numbereadl:otherNumber
- 3634
- Local Holdingeadl:localHolding
- AV513556v22fOB, EM4723v72(2), AV513557v22c2fOB
- Categoryschema:category
- http://eadl.asia/collection/KoreaCollection , http://eadl.asia/collection/NLK_First_paperback_edition_novels_in_Korean_Ttakjibon , http://eadl.asia/collection/NLK_Romance_Novels
- Labelrdfs:label
- (New Novel) Chyu Wol Saek(en) , (신소셜)츄월색(ko)
- Digitizedeadl:digitized
- eadl:DM-NLKKMO000073823_DO