Series of 8 large nishiki-e paintings known as one of early milestone works of Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) for their distinctive artistic value. The series depicts the Eight Sights in Edo: Evening Rain in Azuma Wood, Haneda Rakugan, Boats Returning to Gyotoku, Autumn Moon on the Tama River, Evening Glow at Koganei Border, Clearing Weather at Shibaura, Vesper Bells at Ikegami, and Asukayama in Evening Snow. This collection is not early publication. Yet few first edition prints and following edition prints have entire 8 surviving paintings.(en)
Eight Sights in the Environs of Edo Asukayama in Evening Snow(en) , 江戸近郊八景之内 小金井橋夕照, 江戸近郊八景之内 玉川秋月, Eight Sights in the Environs of Edo Clearing Weather at Shibaura, Eight Sights in the Environs of Edo Boats Returning to Gyotoku, 江戸近郊八景之内 芝浦晴嵐, 江戸近郊八景之内 吾嬬杜夜雨, Eight Sights in the Environs of Edo Evening Rain in Azuma Wood, 江戸近郊八景之内 池上晩鐘, 江戸近郊八景之内 羽根田落雁, Eight Sights in the Environs of Edo Vesper Bells at Ikegami, Eight Sights in the Environs of Edo Evening Glow at Koganei Border, 江戸近郊八景之内 行徳帰帆, 江戸近郊八景之内 飛鳥山暮雪, Eight Sights in the Environs of Edo Autumn Moon on the Tama River, Eight Sights in the Environs of Edo Haneda Rakugan(Geese at Haneda)
Binding: Traditional Japanese hardcover bookbinding(en) , 後刷, 装丁 : 和装, 「Kikaku」 is thought to be its publishing house based on the trademark. Stamped, Later editions, Scrap book with 8 large Nishiki-e paintings, 出版者は版元商標「喜霍」による 極印あり, 横大判錦絵8枚揃の貼り込み帖