This book is the family tree book of Joseon dynasty published in King Gojong 20 (1883). “Seon-won-gye-bo-gi-ryak” was initially written and suggested to King Sukjong by Nangweongun Gan to publish in King Sukjong 5(1679). Jongbushi department (made for recording and investigating the royal family’s deeds) was in charge of this project and turned it into wooden prints for 8 and a half months. Since then, it was edited and restored 113 times and re-published for 114 times until 1932 for 250 years.(en)
조선왕실의 왕족의 족보로 고종 20년(1883)에 간행된 도서이다. 선원계보기략(璿源系譜紀略)은 조선 왕실의 족보로 숙종5년(1679년) 낭원군(朗原君) 간(侃)이 선원보략 초본(草本)을 올려 간행을 건의하고, 종부시(宗簿寺)에서 업무를 맡아 약 8개월 보름에 걸쳐 목판(木板)으로 개간(開刊)한 이래 1932년까지 약 250여년 동안에 113회 교정보간(校正補刊)하면서 114회나 간행되었다.(ko)