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Anthologies by Women Authors


Sam-Eui-Dang’s Works

Title : 三宜堂稿

Creator : 金三宜堂(女) 著; 鄭廻澤 編

Publisher : 丁日燮家

Issued : 1933

URI : eadl:DM-NLKKOL000020510

Ok-Bong Anthology, Appendix to Galimsego

Title : 嘉林世稿

Creator : 趙瑗(朝鮮), 玉峰(朝鮮) 共著, 趙希逸(朝鮮), 趙錫馨(朝鮮)

Publisher : [刊寫者未詳]

Issued : 1704

URI : eadl:DM-NLKKOL000026218

Yoon-Ji-Dang’s Posthumous Works

Title : 允摯堂遺稿

Creator : 任允摯堂 著, 임윤지당

Publisher : [刊寫者未詳]

Issued : 1796

URI : eadl:DM-NLKKOL000026299

Jeong-Il-Dang’s Posthumous Works

Title : 靜一堂遺稿

Creator : 姜靜一堂 著, 강정일당

Publisher : [刊寫者未詳]

Issued : 1835

URI : eadl:DM-NLKKOL000027379

Anthology of Nan-Sol-Heon

Title : 蘭雪軒集

Creator : 許蘭雪軒 著, 허난설헌, 許筠 編, 허균

Publisher : [刊寫者未詳]

URI : eadl:DM-NLKKOL000030051

Anthologies by Women Authors

Anthologies by Women Authors(en) , 여성 문집(ko)
In Joseon, women, how brilliant though, were not allowed to take positions at the government. No woman won respect from others for her academic achievements and intelligence. Nevertheless, there were women who dedicated their whole life to academic pursuit. They embraced Neo-Confucianism from a woman perspective and argued that women have a potential to become a sage. Women’s reading and writing gained more steam after the late 18th century, an age of knowledge expansion. What fueled these women to fully lean in and study? What would study mean to their life?(en)

조선시대 여성들은 아무리 영특해도 관직에 나갈 수 없었다. 공부를 잘하고 학식이 높다고 남들이 우러러보지도 않았다. 그런 시절에 평생 공부하는 삶을 산 여성들이 있었다. 또 성리학을 여성 입장에서 수용하면서 여성도 성인(聖人)이 될 수 있다고 주장했다. 지식 팽창의 시대라 할 수 있는 18세기 후반 이후 여성의 글 읽기와 글쓰기는 더 활발해졌다. 그들을 공부에 매진하게 한 동력은 무엇일까? 공부는 그녀들의 인생에 어떤 의미였을까?(ko)